It is recommended to largely ignore the Collected Vestal and Man-at-Arms, since their threat is very low. This makes him harder to reach, but with a decent party hitting the backline shouldn't be a huge problem. This essentially trivializes the fight since he won't do anything for the entire turn, allowing your party to deal vast amounts of damage to end the fight very quickly.Īfter the Collector summons minions, he will be in Rank 4. Having a Stun with one +Stun chance Trinket equipped can usually give you a 80% chance to Stun him. Due to his pretty-low Stun resist for a miniboss, trying to Stun him is usually the best way to approach the fight. The Collector can be denied to summon to a Stun on Turn 1 before he can act. Otherwise, it will usually buff a Collected Highwayman (4x) or just use Head Rush. It has a significant bias to buff or heal the Collector, with 2x and 5x chances respectively. The Collected Vestal normally has a 2x chance for either its buff skill Headache or its stress attack Head Rush, and a 1x chance for its healing skill Headstrong. Head Games has a 2x chance to be used over Head Knocker, which has no biases towards targeting. The Collected Man-at-Arms can only use its guard skill, Head Games, if there is at least one other Collected alive aside from itself it will almost always guard either the Collector or a Collected Highwayman. He is guaranteed to use it if there are no Collected Highwaymen, or if no Collected are left.Īside from Collect Call, the Collector will also use Show Collection and Life Steal, with a slight bias towards Show Collection.Ĭollected Highwaymen have only one skill, Headhunt, which can target any position, with a 3x higher chance to target marked heroes.The chance increases to 9x if there is 1 Collected left.He has a base 3x chance to use it if there are 2 Collected left.

The Collector has specific chances to use Collect Call the fewer other enemies there are: Only one Vestal and Man-at-Arms can be alive at any time, while Highwaymen are limited to two. There is a 3/7 (~43%) chance to spawn a Collected Highwayman, a 2/7 (~28.5%) chance for a Collected Man-at-Arms, and a 2/7 (~28.5%) chance for a Collected Vestal. The Collector is guaranteed to use Collect Call on his first turn, spawning a combination of Collected Highwaymen, Collected Men-at-Arms, and Collected Vestals.