Alternatively, you might have a rooted device that's not compatible with certain apps. Developers may choose to mark an app as incompatible due to unfixable glitches or bugs with your particular model. However, this doesn't necessarily indicate that the app has zero chance of working on your device. The mental, emotional, and awareness components of the mind are under the scientific microscope. When you search using the Play Store on your device, you won't see any apps that are classified as incompatible with your phone. State of mind is the focus of cognitive science, psychology, and alternative healing. There, you can search for and see all apps, even if they aren't compatible with your device. Keep in mind that the above Play Store screenshot shows the web version. This can appear if, for example, the app was designed for tablets and you only have an Android phone. You'll see a message stating "this app is not available for your device" or "this app is not available for any of your devices" in this case.

The family must be supported as it faces the frightening specter of a deranged mind with peculiar behaviors and all it signifies.The most common explanation for why you can't download certain apps from Google Play is that the app's developers have marked it as "incompatible" with your device. Nurses are burdened with the need to provide satisfactory care and a safe immediate environment for the patient, and at the same time, maintain a tranquil atmosphere for other patients. The physician has to cope with the problem of diagnosis, often without the advantage of a lucid history, and any program of therapy is constantly impeded by the patient's inattention, agitation, sleeplessness, and inability to cooperate. Occurring, as it often does, during an infection with fever or in the course of a toxic or metabolic disorder (such as renal or hepatic failure) or as an effect of medication, drugs, or alcohol, it never fails to create grave problems for the physician, nursing personnel, and family.

You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. We think the likely answer to this clue is HAZE. The striking event in which a patient with previously intact mentality becomes acutely confused is observed almost daily on the medical, surgical, and emergency wards of a general hospital. The crossword clue Confused state of mind with 4 letters was last seen on the September 06, 2017.