] is actually a pretty underrated option for this sort of thing IMO. How do I want to win? Initial thoughts are ] but my playgroup doesn't take to infinite combos very well, unless they are a complete puzze, and labman isn't a card that accidentally wins the game for you. She needs to be relegated to the 99 for a change. ]: Ms Reanimator has been at the helm of an aristocrat deck since release. I'm not sure this guy is versatile enough to warrant running the show. ]: Hypnotoad has always called to me, but is there a way to not go all in on c with him at the helm? Yes, I will run ] but don't want a target on my head due to his CEDH status. I want a versatile deck to pair with Kess copystorm and a monoblack foodstuff deck. ]: slithery GY fuel and token engine that I'm not sure I want to commit the required number of creatures to. Maybe he can prove himself as a good GY based draw engine for me? ]: I just miss casting banana boi in modern on turn two. ]: did someone say built in recursion? Redundancy? Sultai colours? This seems the most logical for getting some grindy value.

I'm wanting to build EDH dredge, which has always been on the list, and I can't pick a commander.

Messing with the graveyard is always what the heart wants, despite some poor Meren decks in the past.